Online Boxing Training App: Why Popularity Is At An All Time High in 2023

amateur boxing boxing boxing coach boxing programming boxing trainer competitive boxing professional boxing Mar 12, 2023

The best boxing training workout is the one that you will do."

- Coach Eric A. Bradley



Boxing is a physically and mentally challenging sport that requires discipline and dedication.

With the rise of technology, online boxing apps have become increasingly popular, providing men with a convenient and affordable way to learn the sport.

Online boxing apps offer numerous benefits, from flexibility in scheduling to personalized coaching, making it an ideal option for men looking to learn boxing.


With that said, here are the TOP 6 Reasons why using an app to learn the fundamentals of boxing is a smart move to make 👊

1. Convenience & Flexibility

 One of the main benefits of using online boxing apps is the convenience factor.

Online boxing apps allow men to learn boxing at their own pace and on their own schedule, without the need to attend a physical gym that often don’t provide the man power to give one on one instructions to anyone other than those on their calendar.

Training online is especially beneficial for those who have busy schedules or live in remote areas where access to a boxing gym is limited.

Online boxing programs also provide the flexibility to train from anywhere, whether it's at home, at the gym, or while traveling.


2. Opportunity To Learn From A Pro

Online boxing programs are usually created by experienced professionals who understand exactly what skills to provide you so you will have the best comprehension of Boxing fundamentals.

This personalized coaching ensures that everyone receives proper instruction and technique, which is essential for preventing injuries and maximizing the benefits of boxing.

This is exactly what we do in our BOXING TRAINING PREP SCHOOL.

In our PREP SCHOOL, we make sure that we break everything down in bite size pieces so you can have fun along with gaining the confidence that you are learning the fundamentals of boxing the right way.


3. Affordability

Another benefit of using online boxing apps is the cost savings.

Traditional boxing gyms can be expensive, with monthly membership fees & maintenance fees for equipment cost, this doesn’t include having a Boxing trainer with the package so it’s sometime underwhelming to the customer.

Online boxing programs are generally more affordable, with many perks of having a real Boxing community of support and a place to nurture your growth.

This cost savings makes it easier for you to learn boxing without breaking the bank.


4. Community & Connection

Another benefit of using online boxing apps is the cost savings.

Traditional boxing gyms can be expensive, with monthly membership fees & maintenance fees for equipment cost, this doesn’t include having a Boxing trainer with the package so it’s sometime underwhelming to the customer.

Online boxing programs are generally more affordable, with many perks of having a real Boxing community of support and a place to nurture your growth.

This cost savings makes it easier for you learn boxing without breaking the bank.


5. Health Benefits

In addition to the convenience and cost savings, online boxing apps offer numerous health benefits.

Boxing is a high-intensity sport that provides a full-body workout, improving cardiovascular health, and building strength and endurance.

Boxing also helps improve hand-eye coordination, balance, and agility.

The mental benefits of boxing are equally significant, with studies showing that boxing can reduce stress and improve mood.

6. Gateway To Competitive Boxing

Learning boxing through online boxing apps can also be a gateway to competitive boxing for men & women who are interested in pursuing the sport more seriously.

This is the essence of our TOP TRAINER U program. It is an affordable monthly subscriptions for coaches, trainers and even serious boxing enthusiast to learn the science of boxing on a deeper level and have the tools and mentorship to prepare for competition. This is all conveniently delivered on an app.

Many online boxing apps offer access to local boxing clubs and tournaments, providing you with the opportunity to take their skills to the next level.

In Conclusion:

Online boxing apps offer numerous benefits for everyone looking to learn boxing.

The convenience, cost savings, personalized coaching, and community support make online boxing apps an ideal option for those who want to learn boxing on their own terms.

The health benefits of boxing are also significant, providing a full-body workout that improves cardiovascular health, builds strength and endurance, and enhances mental well-being.

With the accessibility of online boxing apps, anyone can easily incorporate boxing into their fitness routine and achieve their fitness goals.

Here at Master Boxing we have a boxing app to fit exactly where you are:

  1. Boxing Training Prep School for beginners or those looking to add a fresh injection into their fitness.

  2. Top Trainer U for dedicated coaches, trainers & fighters looking to take a deep dive into how to learn & teach the science of boxing.

  3. Championship U for the gym owner and the coach, trainer or fighter working at the competitive level and climbing the ranks.

At the end of the day, the more people we have boxing, the healthier, the more inspired & impactful we will be.

We will continue to do our part and support you in your journey in this incredible sport.


Coach Eric A. Bradley

Founder & CEO

Master Boxing | Top Trainer U | Championship U | Jab Juice